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ARRIS  |  SKU: UF0087

Agriculture Drone Spraying Nozzles




The spray nozzle is made of a highly wear resistant polymer material. The spray shape is hollow and the spray angle is 90 degrees. It is suitable for spraying various pesticides and fertilizers.
Before use, the flow rate should be measured and the pressure adjusted. The size of the droplet can be changed by adjusting the pressure, and the pressure can be increased to obtain finer droplets.


Agriculture Drone Spraying Nozzles


The spray nozzle is made of a highly wear resistant polymer material. The spray shape is hollow and the spray angle is 90 degrees. It is suitable for spraying various pesticides and fertilizers.
Before use, the flow rate should be measured and the pressure adjusted. The size of the droplet can be changed by adjusting the pressure, and the pressure can be increased to obtain finer droplets.


  • 04(UF0087)
  • 06(UF0088)
  • 08(UF0121-08)
  • 12(UF0121-12)
  • 16(UF0121-16)
  • 20(UF0121-20)
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